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Components of Dr.Web 6.0 products for Windows updated

August 11, 2010

Doctor Web updated several components included in Dr.Web products from the series 6 for protection of Windows workstations and servers (32- and 64-bit). The update increase the overall security of protected systems and improves usability of the anti-viruses.

Improvements have been done to the updating module, anti-virus agent, SpIDer Mail, SpIDer Gate, and Dr.Web SelfPROtect. Below you can find the list of the most important changes delivered with the update.

Issues that might result in updating failures of anti-viruses on servers under Winidows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit) have been fixed.

An issue that caused agent's pop-up windows to appear in areas of the screen where they weren't supposed to be displayed thus interfered with user experience has been fixed.

Important changes have been done to the anti-virus module responsible for the parental control. Now this feature allows users to protect entire local disks (except for the system disk). As a consequence, the self-protection module has also been upgraded to provide maximum protection of data from unauthorized access or deletion. An issue, that resulted in incorrect displaying of LiveJournal web-pages with complex formatting and arose if SpIDer Gate was enabled, has been resolved.

Dr.Web solutions 6.0 for Windows workstations and servers will get the update automatically.

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