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Dr.Web for Windows standard of anti-virus protection for executive bodies of Permskiy Kray

August 28, 2008

Doctor Web in cooperation with the administration of Permskiy Kray have Dr.Web anti-virus accepted as one of the standard Information security tools for all executive bodies in the region. The Information-computer centre of the regional government and AVITECH-SERVICE company participated the project along with the administration of the region.

Frequent viral attacks causing network failures and downtimes drove the administration of Permskiy Kray to resort to Dr.Web anti-virus products. Software created by Doctor Web has proven its efficiency and reliability running on computers of Russian enterprises, banks, ministries and institutions for many years. Dr.Web has been chosen because of its reasonable price, high detection of malware and rapid response of staff of Doctor Web to emerging threats,

The administration of Permskiy Kray chose Dr.Web Enterprise Suite from the wide range of products of the Russian vendor. AVITECH-SERVICE provided licenses while technicians of the he Information-computer centre deployed Dr.Web AV-Desk.

Installation of Dr.Web Enterprise Suite and deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk were performed in the shortest possible time. Further operation of the hardware and networks protected by solutions from Doctor Web were highly rated by employees of executive bodies of Permskoy Kray. Eventually Dr.Web has been included in the default set of software installed on computers in executive bodies of the region, the administration of the governor and the machinery of the local government.

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