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Faster troubleshooting with Dr.Web SysInfo for macOS

July 28, 2022

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has released the first version of its utility Dr.Web SysInfo for macOS. Dr.Web SysInfo is designed to collect system information and generate reports for our technical support service, allowing us to help our customers resolve their technical issues as quickly as possible. Until now, the utility was only available under Windows.

Now, should a Dr.Web for macOS user encounter a problem and require assistance from our technical support service, they can run Dr.Web SysInfo and collect information from their computer or receive a utility download link from our engineers responding to their support request.

Reports generated by Dr.Web SysInfo include thorough information about the operating system and the Dr.Web anti-virus application installed on the protected Mac.

You can download Dr.Web SysInfo from this page.

Generating a report on anti-virus technical issues

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