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Dr.Web e-mail anti-viruses 5.0 for Unix updated

June 3, 2010

Doctor Web updated шеы Dr.Web Mail Gateway and Dr.Web for Unix mail servers 5.0 (32- and 64-bit). The updates provide fixes for a number of known errors.

The update fixes an error related to interaction between the agent and statistics server. The UrlStatisticsServer parameter has been removed from the agent.conf file. If a user doesn’t want statistics to be sent to a server, he will need to set the empty value for the StatisticsServer parameter.

Interaction between the products and the Exim mail server in the local_scan mode has been optimized. Besides, the mail filter has become case sensitive and improvements have been done to the Japanese locale.

To apply the update users of Dr.Web for mail servers Unix and Dr.Web Mail Gateway need to download updated distributions of corresponding products and install them.

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