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December 11, 2019
This November, Doctor Web virus analysts detected a number of new threats on Google Play. The list included new modifications to trojans of the Android.Joker family that subscribed users to premium mobile services. Cybercriminals also continued spreading the Android.HiddenAds malware family that displayed annoying ads. We also found a new version of the Android.Backdoor.735.origin backdoor, designed for cyber spying.
In November, Doctor Web experts detected a new modification to the Android.Backdoor.735.origin trojan, a component of the dangerous Android.Backdoor.736.origin backdoor, reported by Doctor Web in July. This malware, also known as PWNDROID1, was spreading as a utility for configuring and optimising the browser.
Android.Backdoor.735.origin executes cybercriminal commands, allowing them to control the affected Android devices, monitor their owners, as well as download and launch other malicious components.
Program modules that incorporate themselves into Android applications and display obnoxious ads on mobile devices:
Last month, Doctor Web virus analysts detected a number of new modifications to trojans from the Android.Joker family. They were hidden in seemingly innocuous software, such as useful utilities that help configure mobile devices, games, messengers, wallpaper collections and camera apps. This malware subscribes users to premium mobile services, downloads and launches malicious modules, and can execute arbitrary code.
We also detected the new trojan adware, Android.HiddenAds. Cybercriminals were distributing it under the guise of games, camera apps, photo editors and other software.
To protect your Android device from malware and unwanted programs, we recommend you install Dr.Web for Android.