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Let's join together to spread the word: The Anti-virus Times presents “news informers”

April 13, 2016

The Doctor Web Anti-virus Times project is offering its readers a new opportunity to participate in an important activity that facilitates the sharing of information security knowledge. Now you can post the project's news informers on your blog or website pages to notify your subscribers about new and previously published issues.

The Anti-virus Times—now on your website or blog!

Readers can access three types of informers which differ according to how many links there are to past Anti-virus Times issues. The upcoming issue is advertised at the top of each one.

The Anti-virus Times informer

Readers can also select a color scheme for their news informer (green or white predominate).

Codes for the informers’ locations are placed under the corresponding samples in our website’s special project section—just copy them and add them to your page.

Let's join together to inform others about today’s most pressing cybersecurity issues!

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