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Recommended link to information about Dr.Web non-recommended sites

February 13, 2015

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web is delighted to present its new knowledge base section which is devoted to non-recommended sites. Unwanted sites can not only spread malware but can also feature content that can harm users—whether fraudulent offers or information that threatens their fiscal or physical well-being. Every non-recommended site is added into the corresponding Dr.Web database manually and can be removed from it should its owner make the site safe to visit.

The new section provides information about the criteria used by Doctor Web to decide whether a site should be added to the non-recommended list, specifically what threats are posed by sites of this sort and how Dr.Web responds when an attempt is made to open a URL that is on the list. Here you can also learn how to configure the corresponding anti-virus component on your PC, Mac or handheld.

On the section page, we reiterate the fact that protecting users against visiting non-recommended sites is not the same as blocking access to those sites. Users can choose to ignore warnings issued by Dr.Web.

Doctor Web invites all users to get acquainted with the new site section and expand their knowledge of the dangers that can lurk behind seemingly ordinary links on the Internet. If you wish, you may also leave your comments and tell us whether you find this information useful.

Reading about non-recommended sites is much safer than visiting them!

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Dr.Web non-recommended sites

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