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Dr.Web AV-Desk in Netherlands

September 8, 2009

With a foothold in Russia Dr.Web AV-Desk is advancing to the West. Following Bulgaria, Estonia and France, the Netherlands has become another European country where users can sign up for the Dr.Web anti-virus service delivered by WireITup.

Founded in 2000 in the Netherlands WireITup delivers managed IT services. Network- and system engineering, software development and hosting are combined to create value for its customers. WireITup can deliver 24/7 support with a response time of 4 hours. WireITup creates in-house network- and system administration tools to manage customers’ IT environments. WireITup is specialized in research and development of network- and system administration tools.

The company’s customers vary from small businesses, enterprises to government agencies. Anti-virus security is an integral part of almost any IT-related business, so the Dr.Web anti-virus is expected to become a highly-demanded service.

“Before the use of Dr.Web AV-desk we spent a lot of time handling the distribution and licensing of anti-virus clients for our customers. With Dr.Web AV-desk we can deploy anti-virus clients when the need arises without the worries of distribution and licensing. With Dr.Web AV-desk we can also combine management of all our customers’ accounts within one management console”, founder and co-owner of WireITup, Jeffrey Barendse.

About Dr.Web AV-Desk

Doctor Web was the first anti-virus vendor that offered an anti-virus as a service on the Russian market.

Deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk allows subscribers of a service provider to use Dr.Web anti-virus as a service: choose a desired subscription period, renew their subscription automatically and therefore plan how much they are going to spend on anti-virus security. Providing an anti-virus as a service ensures its instant delivery and easy management of a subscription for home users and business customers. Dr.Web AV-Desk was released by Doctor Web in 2007. More than eighty providers already deliver the Dr.Web anti-virus service in more than thirty regions of Russia and also in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria and Estonia. Following results shown by the service in 2007 it was named the best product-service by PC Magazine Russia. In September 2008 Dr.Web AV-Desk was awarded the large golden medal of the Siberian Fair as an original technical and telecom solution.

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