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Dr.Web 9.0 for MS Exchange released

April 9, 2014

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web announces the release of the ninth version of its Dr.Web for MS Exchange which is designed to check the email traffic of MS Exchange Server 2003/2007/2010/2013 for viruses and spam. The latest version incorporates a new architecture and a host of additional features associated with the centralised control of the solution’s operation.

The revamped architecture of Dr.Web for MS Exchange has increased its stability and reliability.

Version 9.0 enables administrators to simultaneously control groups of exchange servers even if different versions of the server software are found in the same group.

The new version of Dr.Web for MS Exchange makes use of Dr.Web CMS (Central Management Service), which facilitates the centralised management of its settings, with remote administration possible via a browser over the secure HTTPS protocol. The service incorporates a web server that supports client authentication to ensure that only authorised administrators can use the web console to access the application settings and controls. An embedded web server significantly simplifies the installation and configuration of the application's web interfaces. In addition, Dr.Web CMS includes the Dr.Web SSM (Dr.Web Start/Stop Manager) service which monitors the operation of applications and responds to their irregular behaviour such as freezing or abnormal termination. This service allows you to remotely start, stop and restart applications administered by means of Dr.Web CMS.

Support for Dr.Web 9.0 for MS Exchange as part of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite’s Control Center will be added later.

Before installing Dr.Web 9.0 for MS Exchange, the earlier version of the application must be removed. More information about the upgrade process, as well as the system requirements for Dr.Web 9.0 for MS Exchange, can be found in the release notes.

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