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Legal section is one of the most important on Doctor Web site

March 5, 2014

Russian anti-virus vendor Doctor Web is pleased to announce that a legal section is now available on its website. In the new section, you can learn what you need to do if a computer offense has been committed against your data or property. We urge all the victims of such crimes to be more active and to never give up when faced with information security incidents that inflict material and psychological damage.

Today, in crisis situations related to computer threats, many users do not know where to start to repair the damages. The legal section on Doctor Web's site will help you calmly examine the situation and make the kinds of decisions that will bring you closer to having your stolen money returned or your compromised data recovered.

Here you will find out what actions you should take if your money has been stolen over the e-banking system, a Trojan has encrypted your files, or your access to Windows has been blocked.

Indeed, we wish all our users a life free from cybercrime! We are confident that our legal section will serve as a reminder of the necessity to take care of anti-virus security at home and at your workplace in advance.

If you have suffered from the actions of intruders, do not give up—seek justice! The legal section will help you with this.

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