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Components in Dr.Web 9.0 products for Windows updated

February 4, 2014

Doctor Web has updated Dr.Web Anti-rootkit API (, firewall (, Dr.Web SelfPROtect (, Dr.Web Net Filtering Service ( and language modules in products Dr.Web Security Space and Dr.Web Anti-virus 9.0. The update delivers feature upgrades and fixes of known defects.

In particular, it upgrades the anti-rootkit module to increase the anti-virus's launch speed and, accordingly, reduce Windows boot time and provides the improved routine for Dr.Web Process Dumper. It also introduces additional tweaks for Anti-rootkit API that enhance its stability.

The firewall issue involving its possible abnormal termination while interacting with Google Chrome has been resolved.

Also corrected is the self-defence module defect that didn't allow a Russian security solution to start in the system.

Adjustments in the traffic filtering service resolve errors that might occur during interaction with VMWare vSphere, network printers and multifunction printers from certain manufacturers.

The update also incorporates help files in Spanish, Japanese and Polish and corresponding tweaks for the language modules.

The update will be performed automatically; however, a system reboot will be required.

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