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Dr.Web AV-Desk: public testing launched

October 9, 2007

Doctor Web, Ltd., a leading Russian IT-security developer, launches a public testing of its new online-service – AVDESK.

AVDESK is a new way of delivering complex protection against viruses, spyware and spam to Internet users via service providers as an online security service. Dr.Web AV-Desk is designed to maintain the highest level of protection by combining the industry’s fastest speed of response to new threats with the best-of-breed Dr.Web anti-virus engine. To join the testing, just download and install a setup module (around 1 MB) and your computer will be connected to the anti-virus server of Doctor Web, Ltd. from which you will get updates of virus bases and upgrades of Dr.Web program modules.

Till December 31, all users can test new service of Doctor Web, Ltd. and enjoy high-end professional protection against viruses and spam by special version of Dr.Web anti-virus FREE OF CHARGE. The service will be administered and the health of your computer will be assured by experts of Doctor Web’s Technical Support Team.

"Dr.Web AV-Desk is conceived as an ISP-oriented service", comments Boris Sharov, the CEO of Doctor Web. "The number of threats that an average user encounters today has long gone far beyond humans' ability to control them. We estimate the overall number of malware in the Internet to float around 1 million and strongly believe that the security paradigm is going to shift to service models provided by professionals. We believe it will become more and more natural for Internet users to ask their internet providers for an anti-virus solution. AVDESK is developed by Doctor Web to give all Nettizens a simple to use and reliable protection tool against all known Internet threats."

  • How do I connect to the Dr.Web AV-Desk online-service?

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