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Dr.Web AV-Desk in the south and south-east of Moscow and Moscow region

June 25, 2009

Doctor Web — the leader on the Russian IT security services market – announces a successful deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk by the IP-Home companies group constituted by ISPs that operate in the south and south east of Moscow and the Moscow region.

More than 8000 users can now use the Dr.Web anti-virus service. They no longer need to spend their time searching for a reliable anti-virus. Instead they activate the service using the subscription module.

Deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk by IP-home significantly improved anti-virus security of subscribers and made life of employees of the providers. Now the end-point security in the network is maintained by cutting-edge anti-virus technologies that also provide centralized security status monitoring and control. Virus epidemics no longer threaten IP-Home or thousands of their subscribers who can now take advantage of the worry-free web-surfing.

“We are pleased to provide high-level information security to our customers. Unlike other similar solutions Dr.Web AV-Desk allows delivering anti-virus software as a service. Recent years saw the number of support calls concerning information security go up but there was little we could do to help our subscribers. Now the reliable anti-virus and professional technical support are available to virtually any customer. Even though delivering an anti-virus service may appear complex, on the side of the customer it is pretty simple. The subscriber pays for the anti-virus the same way he pays foor the Internet service. Hopefully all our customers will sign up for the service in the nearest future”, Ilya Masandilov, the head of the IP-home IT-department said.

About Dr.Web AV-Desk

Doctor Web was the first anti-virus vendor that offered an anti-virus as a service on the Russian market.

Deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk allows subscribers of a service provider to use Dr.Web anti-virus as a service: choose a desired subscription period, renew their subscription automatically and therefore plan how much they are going to spend on anti-virus security. Providing an anti-virus as a service ensures its instant delivery and easy management of a subscription for home and business users. Dr.Web AV-Desk was released by Doctor Web in 2007. More than eighty providers already deliver the Dr.Web anti-virus service in more than thirty regions of Russia and also in the Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria and Estonia. Following results shown by the service in 2007 it was named the best product-service by PC Magazine Russia. In September 2008 Dr.Web AV-Desk was awarded the large golden medal of the Siberian Fair as an original technical and telecom solution.

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