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New version of Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino released

May 6, 2009

Doctor Web updated Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino designed to protect Domino server databases and a corporate e-mail system from viruses and spam. The new version includes code optimization and fixes of several errors found in the previous version.

The most significant change implemented in the new version is the improved operation of the scanner including an optimized check of SMTP traffic and scanning of password-protected archives and other protected objects that earlier resulted in creation of incorrect incident documents.

Doctor Web programmers also improved collection and display of statistics as well as viral and spam activity reporting system. Some changes have been done to the interface of Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino and to the plugin web-interface.

You need to uninstall the previous version of Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino and install the new one to upgrade.

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