Doctor Web announces a successful deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk by an ISP in the Russian city of Podolsk that allowed subscribers of the Kvarts ISP to take advantage of the Dr.Web anti-virus service.
The SaaS model is becoming more popular in Russia. Following the trend Doctor Web offered numerous service providers in Russia to protect their subscribers from viruses using Dr.Web anti-virus software. As the number of malicious objects grows and providers often have to deal with a huge number of requests from users whose machines were compromised by malware.
In order to prevent epidemics in its networks and protect subscribers from numerous Internet threats the leading telecom provider in Podolsk deployed Dr.Web AV-Desk. Since April 2009 customers of Kvartz can use anti-virus protection from the leading Russian anti-virus vendor.
“The problem of anti-virus protection concerns every Internet user and is especially important for service providers. In order to secure our subscribers from malware and spam Kvarts signed an agreement with Doctor Web. Apart from information security our subscribers also receive an opportunity to plan their anti-virus expenses and use the service only as long as they need it. More than 10% of our subscribers have signed up in the very first month”, Tatiana Moiseeva, the sales and marketing manager of Kvartz said.
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