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Dr.Web AV-Desk will secure networks of Maginfo

July 12, 2008

Doctor Web, Ltd. – the Russian developer of IT security solutions branded Dr.Web –in cooperation with “Maginfo” – an ISP operating in Magnitogorsk – start delivering the Dr.Web anti-virus service to subscribers of the provider upon a successful deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk that gains popularity day by day.


Maginfo is one of the leading ISPs in the city. It provides broadband Internet access (Ethernet and WiFi) to 10 per cent of residents and hundreds of corporate customers. Now they all can apply for the PC protection service using Dr.Web for Windows. Anti-virus&Anti-spam. Subscribers can try the service free of change for more than a month. After the testing the service will be available at a monthly fee of USD 2.2.

The anti-virus protection from Doctor Web, Ltd. is delivered promptly and easilty to the subscribers using the first Internet-service called Dr.Web AV-Desk that allows providers to supply the Dr.Web anti-virus to an unlimited number of subscribers – individuals as well as companies – and to centrally manage the service provision process.

Denis Beresnev, the head of the subscriber service of Maginfo talks:
“A large number of infected machines in a network increases the load of a bus network which has a negative impact on the quality of the service, increases payments of a provider for an external channel and the workload of a call-centre, support and technical services. Centralized measures (disconnecting a subscriber, blocking certain network processes, installing an anti-virus on a mail server, sending notifications, etc.) don’t solve the overall problem of viruses. However, protection of customers against network threats – viruses, spyware and other malicious programs – is one of the greatest concerns of our company. We think that considering flexibility, accessibility, efficiency and ease of usage and the high level of service there is no better choice than Dr.Web. An ideay of affordable and user-friendly anti-virus fits in the policy of our company. Hopefully the deployment of the service will increase the quality of our services and improve the security of our customers”.

“The deployment of Dr.Web AV-Desk by Maginfo will help the provider enhance the security of its network and reduce the workload of the support service. Dr.Web AV-Desk will give every subscriber an opportunity to protect their computers using Dr.Web software. Obtaining reliable anti-virus and anti-spam protection in Magnitogorsk has never been easier.” – Boris Sharov, the CEO of Doctor Web, Ltd. comments.

About Maginfo
Maginfo is the oldest ISP in Magnitogorsk. The company has over 1000 corporate customers.

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