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Anti-virus engine in Dr.Web for Unix updated

December 15, 2011

Doctor Web—a Russian developer of IT security software—announced that the new Dr.Web Virus-Finding Engine and virus databases have been incorporated into Dr.Web for Unix and Dr.Web for Mac OS X. The engine 7.0 will dramatically increase the scanning speed, provide a flexible use of computer resources and increase the reliability of protection against new threats in HTML, JavaScript and PDF.

Note that on December 12, the new engine was released for single-user Dr.Web for Windows products. From now own it is available to everyone running Dr.Web under Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris.

The engine update has affected a number of software products: Dr.Web anti-virus for Linux, Dr.Web for mail servers and Internet gateways Unix, Dr.Web for Unix file servers (Samba) and Novell Storage Services, Dr.Web for Mac OS X, Dr.Web for Mac OS X Server, Dr.Web for Kerio mail servers (Linux-version), Dr.Web for IBM Lotus Domino (Linux-version), as well as Dr.Web LiveCD and Dr.Web LiveUSB.

The update will be downloaded and installed automatically.

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