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New versions of Dr.Web for Unix

November 25, 2011

Doctor Web—the Russian anti-virus vendor—announces that new versions of its products for Linux, FreeBSD and Solaris 10 have been released. Upgrades and error fixes have been incorporated into the Dr.Web anti-virus for Linux desktops, Dr.Web for Unix file servers, Dr.Web for Novell Storage Services and also into Dr.Web for Internet Gateways and Unix mail servers. The new version is 6.0.2.

The most important innovation coming with the new version is the opportunity to control Dr.Web for Internet gateways, Unix mail and file servers (including Novell Storage Services) via the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite Control Center. The number of features available to administrators managing Dr.Web for Linux via the Control Center has increased: now, for example, they may create automatic scanning schedule for target machines.

The Dr.Web daemon module featured by Dr.Web for Unix file and mail servers restarts much faster after a virus database update because updates are loaded without reloading the databases. The anti-virus daemon now can also notify users when virus definitions become outdated. Additionally, the Dr.Web products now back up updated files and can roll bock to the previous version if an error occurs during updating.

Dr.Web for Unix mail servers is now more stable under heavy load and supports Sendmail 8.13 again. Dr.Web for Unix file servers also supports Samba 3.6 while the Social Engineering blacklist category of Dr.Web for Internet gateways contains a list of fraudulent sites on which users are lured into malicious schemes by means of various social engineering tricks.

The anti-virus daemon included into Dr.Web for Linux PCs is now memory resident, so virus databases don't need to be loaded every time the scanner is launched which in turn speeds up processing user scan requests. Dr.Web Daemon restart time upon virus definitions updating has also been reduced as in all other Dr.Web products for Unix-like systems. The anti-virus now uses several scanning threads and can check boot sectors.

In addition, the file monitor incorporated into the Dr.Web software for Linux PCs controls file operations under all user accounts. Among other things, the developers added French localization, and agent icon for the Unity interface in Ubuntu.

Dr.Web software products for Linux PCs, Unix mail servers, Internet-gateways and file servers are available with Dr.Web Destop Security Suite, Dr.Web Mail Security Suite, Dr.Web Gateway Security Suite and Dr.Web Server Security Suite respectively.

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