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Doctor Web Antivirus Laboratory Chief spoke on the growing threat to Linux at the annual cybersecurity forum in China

September 09, 2024

Doctor Web took part in the annual cybersecurity summit and international antivirus conference in Tianjin, China. The second CSST (Cyber Security Summit in Tianjin) event was devoted to the theme "Jointly Building Cyber Security and Governing Cyberspace".

At the summit, Doctor Web's Antivirus Laboratory Chief Igor Zdobnov made the presentation "Linux under siege: the ever-growing landscape of cyberthreats".

As Linux and other Unix-like operating systems become more widely used in various industrial infrastructures, they also turn into prime cyberattack targets. Some IT professionals believe that Linux is completely invulnerable to malware, but presently these systems are facing an increasing number of threats.

With security incidents occurring at an alarming rate, the urgent need for robust security measures is more evident than ever. In his presentation, Zdobnov also spoke about the current state of malware for Linux and the latest evolutionary trends observed by Doctor Web.


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