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Full Dr.Web product support period extended for one year

June 27, 2024

Doctor Web has extended full support for its latest Dr.Web product releases by one year—until June 30, 2025.

The products that will be enjoying the extended full support include:

Dr.Web Desktop Security Suite:

  • Dr.Web 12.0 for Windows desktops and laptops (including remote administration features)
  • Dr.Web 12.0 for macOS
  • Dr.Web 11.1 for Linux desktops and laptops
  • Dr.Web KATANA Business edition 1.0

Dr.Web Server Security Suite:

  • Dr.Web 12.0 for Windows servers (including remote administration features)
  • Dr.Web 11.1 for Unix-based servers
  • Dr.Web 12.0 for macOS Server

Dr.Web Mail Security Suite:

  • Dr.Web 11.1 for Unix-based mail servers
  • Dr.Web 12.0 for Microsoft Exchange Server

Dr.Web Gateway Security Suite:

  • Dr.Web 11.1 for Unix-based Internet gateways

Dr.Web Mobile Security Suite:

  • Dr.Web 12.0 for Android devices

You can find up-to-date information about Dr.Web product support end dates and terms on this page.

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