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Components updated in Dr.Web 11.1 products for Unix-like systems and Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0`s Scanning Server

February 9, 2022

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has updated numerous components in Dr.Web 11.1 products for Unix-like systems as well as the Scanning Server in Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0.The update resolves known issues and delivers minor upgrades.

Minor tweaks have been introduced into the drweb-se module (11.1.10-2201271239) in Dr.Web Anti-virus 11.1 for Unix Mail Servers, Dr.Web Anti-virus 11.1 for Linux, Dr.Web Anti-virus 11.1 for Unix Server, Dr.Web Anti-virus 11.1 for Internet gateways Unix, and the Scanning Server in Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0.

Furthermore, drweb-session (11.1.10-2201201500) has been updated in Dr.Web 11.1 for Linux to address a threat-detection problem occurring under user accounts with an above-zero secrecy level and lower integrity levels (relevant for Elbrus and amd64 Astra Linux distributions).

In addition, support for Samba 4.15 and minor tweaks have been implemented in drweb-smbspider (11.1.7-2202011603) and drweb-smbspider-modules (11.1.7-2202011603) for Dr.Web Anti-virus 11.1 for Unix Server (AMD64, x86 and ARM64).

The products are updated via the Dr.Web repository. Also note that Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite’s Scanning Server can be updated using the standard .run file updating routine of Dr.Web applications for Unix-like systems.

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