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Components updated in Dr.Web 12.0 for Windows, Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 and 13.0, and Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0`s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software

February 2, 2022

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has updated SpIDer Agent for Windows ( in Dr.Web Security Space 12.0, Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 for Windows, Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 for Windows Servers, and Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 and 13.0, and also in Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0’s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.Furthermore, Dr.Web Thunderstorm Cloud Client SDK ( has been made current in all of the Dr.Web 12.0 products for Windows as well as in Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0’s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.The update introduces minor UI tweaks and adjustments to the applications’ settings.

Specifically, the parental and office control option, “Block access to data on removable media“, has been removed since the feature used to block devices by their respective classes or data buses effectively performs the same task.

Furthermore, minor agent UI issues have been resolved.

The update delivers minor tweaks and upgrades and will be downloaded and installed automatically.

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