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Self-protection module updated in Dr.Web 12.0 for Windows, Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 and 13.0, and Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0`s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software

December 8, 2021

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has updated the self-protection module Dr.Web Protection for Windows ( in Dr.Web Security Space 12.0, Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0, Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 for Windows Servers, and Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 12.0 and 13.0, and also in Dr.Web AV-Desk 13.0’s subscription-based Dr.Web Anti-virus software.The update resolves known software issues.

Adjustments have been made to address an issue that might cause server editions of Windows to freeze if the software a3ASESOR (mostly used in Spain) was present in the system. Furthermore, defects that might cause Google Chrome to terminate abnormally on machines using newer generations of Intel and AMD CPUs have been eliminated.

The update will be downloaded and installed automatically; however, a system reboot will be required.

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