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Test drive our security features for virtual machines with the updated Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0 beta version

June 15, 2021

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has unveiled an updated beta version of its flagship anti-virus security solution Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0. Now beta-testers have access to our much sought-after anti-virus protection features and technologies for virtual machines, such as the Scanning Server and the Virtual Agent protection mode for hosts.

Nowadays, companies of all sizes are taking advantage of virtualisation technologies and are lowering their IT infrastructure maintenance costs by running multiple virtual machines on one powerful server. That way they can allocate the precise volume of system resources the machines need to perform their specific tasks.

With the Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite VM features, these system resources can be used even more efficiently. Thanks to the ability to delegate anti-virus protection tasks to one virtual machine, it can run certain anti-virus routines for other VM agents on the same physical server. Because the protection components operate in a virtual network, overall system performance remains unaffected.

The Dr.Web Scanning Server is designed to run in virtual environments. Its components include:

  • The scanning engine, which examines data received for existing threats.
  • Virus and Office Control databases.

Protected client virtual machines have the bulk of their workload removed from them, all thanks to these factors:

  • Files are scanned for malware on another machine;
  • Virus and Office Control databases do not need to be kept up to date on each of the VMs;
  • Because VM nodes communicate over a virtual network on the same actual server (hypervisor), data gets transferred and scanned very quickly.

The service virtual machine can be included in any group. Furthermore, a separate group can be created for scanning servers. This task can also be performed automatically using custom rules.

Administrators can assign servers to groups and configure the corresponding rules in the same way they perform these tasks for ordinary hosts. Detailed instructions on how hosts can be assigned to groups can be found in the Including Stations in Groups section of the relevant documentation.

Hosts interact with the scanning server via the agent, which operates in virtual mode and can be controlled via the centralised protection server.

Doctor Web welcomes all users to take part in the beta testing of Dr.Web Enterprise Security Suite 13.0.

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