17 February 2021
Changes made to Lua-script for updater:
- On Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008/2008R2 computers, Dr.Web software components, except the virus databases, can no longer be updated (even via an update mirror) if OS system updates ensuring SHA-256 support have not been installed on them.
Changes made to Dr.Web Security Space setup, Anti-virus for Windows setup and Anti-virus for Windows servers setup:
- Dr.Web Security Space 12.0 and Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 can no longer be installed under Windows Vista and Windows 7, and Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 for Windows Servers cannot be installed under Windows Server 2008/2008R2 if an operating system update providing SHA-256 support has not been installed;
- An issue that might prevent the applications from being installed from a network drive has been fixed;
- Also resolved was a defect causing the Modify and Remove setup dialogue to use a different language (other than the current application language).
The user guides for Dr.Web Security Space 12.0 and Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0, as well as the administrator manual for Dr.Web Anti-virus 12.0 for Windows Servers, have also been updated.
The update will be downloaded and installed automatically. The changes, which resolve the network drive installation issue and make it impossible to install the software in systems lacking SHA-256 support, will take affect after the respective software distributions are updated.
Important: to ensure that the Dr.Web software operates correctly under Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft security updates providing SHA-256 support must be installed in the systems. For additional information, please refer to this guide.
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