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Black Friday with a shade of green: up to 40% off Dr.Web

November 25, 2020

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web is pleased to announce the start of a huge sale: from Thursday, November 26, to Sunday, November 29, inclusive — customers can get Dr.Web Security Space license for 2 years to protect 2 PCs completely for free.

Save 32 EUR and get Dr.Web for 2 years for 3 PCs at the price charged to protect 1 PC!




  1. This license can be used to protect personal and office devices.
  2. You will be able to use the license for yourself and protect all of your family's gadgets, or share it among your friends — to do this, just copy the key file to protect 3 PCs and 3 mobile devices. If you have more than 6 gadgets, we recommend that you buy 2 promo licenses.
  3. To use the promo to renew your license, you need to buy a license by clicking on the Buy button on this page during the promo days.
  4. If you buy a promo license for renewal purposes, 150 bonus days will be added to its term. Customers will be able to renew both an expired and a still valid but not yet renewed license whose validity period is at least 3 months in length — including trial or OEM.
  5. If you upgrade to Dr.Web Security Space from Dr.Web Anti-virus and register the new license before the term of the Anti-virus license ends, you will be able to use all of Dr.Web Security Space’s protection components from the moment you register. Just download a new distribution.
  6. A promo license cannot be refunded.


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