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We’re on the trail in the new Anti-virus Times column “DETECTives”

June 18, 2020

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has started a new column for its Anti-virus Times project. Entitled “DETECTives,” the column is devoted to stories of malware incident investigations conducted by the company's security researchers. The first story is already available.

A new Anti-virus Times column about malware-related security incidents.

It often happens that computer equipment and "smart" devices begin behaving strangely. Reasons behind this behaviour are not always obvious. In these situations, careful examination is required. One has to gather more data and literally follow a trail, looking for clues –just as they do in detective stories.

Now, when operating systems power not only personal computers and mobile gadgets, but also various “smart” devices, situations like the one we've described in the Virus ex machine issue become more frequent. The Anti-virus Times won't only give accounts of the most interesting cases (as usual), it will also provide recommendations to help you avoid such incidents.

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