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A list of important to-dos: Doctor Web’s checklist to ensure employee information security when working remotely

April 21, 2020

Doctor Web has prepared a check-list for system administrators that lists in chronological order the steps they need to take to prepare a safe workplace for remote workers. This list will enable companies to significantly reduce their information security risks even under conditions that are thus far out of the ordinary.

Doctor Web: A step-by-step list of important things to do so employees can safely transition to remote work

Transitioning employees to remote work comes with significantly increased security risks. On the one hand, cybercriminals are exploiting the popular coronavirus theme to send phishing mailings and invent new extortion techniques that are once again related to an epidemiological situation. On the other hand, employees accustomed to working in a protected corporate environment are not prepared for having to be responsible for their own security.

The situation is complicated by the fact that under epidemic conditions, employees will open emails sent by cybercriminals, fall for their tricks, and install malware programs masquerading as legitimate applications — working from home tends to make people relax. Moreover, since transitioning to remote work is becoming a mass phenomenon, the risk of receiving infected emails from employees of a company’s partners and customers, who haven’t yet managed to make their remote workplaces secure, is increasing manifold.

Use our tips to minimise the risks associated with Internet threats and make the transition to this new format for work-related interactions as comfortable and least distracting from core business tasks as possible.

Download check-list

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