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Configure Dr.Web to protect your computer from miners

May 15, 2018

Doctor Web is pleased to present its new brochure “Configure Dr.Web to protect your computer from miners”. The brochure informs users how to use the Dr.Web anti-virus to protect their systems against miner Trojans (malware designed to secretly mine cryptocurrency or steal it).

Extremely popular today, mining can cause serious security threats. Many users resort to using illegal mining methods, and as a result, the number of malicious programs designed to engage in hidden mining at the expense of the resources of other computers and corporate networks is growing exponentially.

To learn how to adjust Dr.Web’s settings to protect your computer from miner Trojans, read our new brochure.

To inform users, Doctor Web specialists created the new brochure “Configure Dr.Web to protect your computer from miners”; we invite you to familiarise yourself with it. All of their recommendations on how to configure Dr.Web Anti-virus protection are well reasoned and accompanied by program screenshots. Take 15 minutes to read the brochure and configure your anti-virus — this will help you prevent cybercriminals from infecting your computer with a miner Trojan and keep them from using your computer or server power to secretly mine cryptocurrency.

Read brochure

##Dr.Web_settings #training #mining

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