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Support service system for interacting with Dr.Web users undergoes redesign

November 13, 2017

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has redesigned its technical support service's system for interacting with its customers and with Doctor Web account owners who are not yet users of its products.

The changes have affected the request and service archive in user requests for those who have online Doctor Web accounts.

It's easy to contact the Dr.Web technical support service from a smartphone or a tablet.

screenshot #drweb

Use the handy widget in the header of our website to quickly open the Contact us service.

Users who don't yet have an account will only be able to use the widget to access the support request form.

screenshot #drweb
screenshot #drweb

But, after clicking on the widget, Dr.Web community members who have accounts on Doctor Web's site will be able to see all of their requests with their different statuses (new, unclosed, closed requests, and requests that need a response) and quickly open the needed request category. In addition, these users can open the new support request form directly from the widget.

We invite users to take advantage of the convenient features of our redesigned technical support system, which is adapted for mobile devices. Those who are not yet using Dr.Web or who have only used our free products can also access all of our information resources and the archive of their support service requests—they simply need to quickly register.

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