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Dr.Web bot for Telegram updated

June 21, 2016

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web has updated the Dr.Web bot for Telegram. The update has delivered new features to the bot.

These include a new main menu which now has only three items: /help, /settings and /feedback. At the same time, a custom Cancel key for instruction /feedback now makes it easier to discard a feedback message.

Furthermore, to improve security, the bot will now check a message after it has been edited by its author (e.g., a harmless URL is replaced with a malicious link).

Now, while a file or link is being checked, the status "typing…" is displayed in the chat header (in standard mode).

In private mode, new users need to select a language for communicating with the bot. Users can evaluate the Dr.Web bot on the StoreBot site. This information is also displayed to users in a corresponding notification.

To use the bot, find the Telegram account @DrWebBot (or go to and send it a file or a link. The bot will check it for viruses and report on the results.

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