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Doctor Web’s overview of malware detected on mobile devices in October 2016

October 31, 2016

October was uneventful in terms of information security and began with the emergence of a new Trojan that uses infected Android devices as proxy servers.


  • Detection of Android Trojans on Google Play

Mobile threat of the month

In the beginning of October, a new Trojan, Android.SockBot.1, was found by Doctor Web’s security researchers on Google Play. This malware program was incorporated into applications containing game walkthroughs and some homegrown game modifications and add-ons. Once installed, Android.SockBot.1 covertly connects to the Internet and transforms a mobile device into a proxy server. This technique helps cybercriminals anonymously connect to remote computers and other machines that have an Internet connection. In addition, they can intercept and redirect network traffic, steal private information, and perform DDoS attacks on web servers.

screen Android.SockBot.1 #drweb screen Android.SockBot.1 #drweb screen Android.SockBot.1 #drweb

According to statistics collected by Dr.Web for Android

According to statistics collected by Dr.Web for Android #drweb

According to statistics collected by Dr.Web for Android #drweb

Malware Trojans for Android can still bypass improved security and infiltrate applications published on Google Play. Doctor Web strongly advises users to download applications created by reliable developers and to make sure that a downloaded program is not a fake. Dr.Web for Android products can securely protect Android devices from malicious and unwanted software.

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