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Dr.Web anti-virus protection for subscribers of Rentacloud

November 18, 2013

Russian anti-virus company Doctor Web is pleased to announce that the Dr.Web anti-virus service is now available from cloud service integrator Rentacloud.

To deliver cloud services, Rentacloud primarily focuses on security, scalability, and the technology’s ease of use. Starting in September 2013, Rentacloud's subscribers can get Dr.Web anti-virus software on a subscription basis in two subscription packages—Dr.Web Premium (comprehensive protection) and Dr.Web Classic (basic protection).

"A single subscription control center makes the Dr.Web AV-Desk Internet service truly user-friendly. The service usage statistics are detailed and clear, and the opportunity to choose between several sets of available components under different subscription packages allows us to offer the service to various categories of customers", said Sergei Samoukin, Infotech project manager. "Dr.Web AV-Desk was deployed quickly and successfully, and the test results completely met our expectations", he added.

Dr.Web AV-Desk is a real SaaS (Software as a Service) model that enables service providers to deliver anti-virus protection to end users and flexibly integrate it with their own environment. "End users get a readily available service with flexible control over pricing, instead of an option to rent equipment and software separately ", commented Samoukin.

"We are pleased that cloud service providers also make use of Dr.Web AV-Desk. Protecting customers from all sorts of virus threats is especially important for them. As an SaaS model, Dr.Web helps providers to meet their customers' demand for protection and demonstrate their loyalty", noted Alexander Pushkar, Doctor Web’s anti-virus service sales manager.

About the Dr.Web AV-Desk Internet Service

The Dr.Web AV-Desk Internet service was created by Doctor Web in 2007. Today, the number of service providers delivering the Dr.Web AV-Desk service in different regions of Russia and in the Ukraine, France, Spain, Netherlands, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Bulgaria and Estonia exceeds 350.

Following results shown by the service in 2007, Dr.Web AV-Desk was named the “best product offered as a service” by PC Magazine Russia. In September 2008, Dr.Web AV-Desk was awarded the Grand Gold Medal for “most original scientific and technical solution in communications technology” at the ITE Siberian Fair.

About Rentacloud

Rentacloud is a cloud service provider and integrator that delivers integrated public and private cloud services.

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